January 7

Some days I'm really shocked at how good Daisy and Lily are at entertaining themselves.

Daisy spent nearly an hour playing happily with these little wooden blocks:
They came in a set to make a "balancing tree", but she has been having fun building various things with them. It takes patience and fine motor skills, and she's really pleased when she's done. Of course, now that Lily can climb up onto the banquette in the kitchen all by herself, nothing is safe on the kitchen table anymore, so Daisy has resorted to doing her balancing work on the dining room table.

Meanwhile, Lily found one of Caleb's Superman action figures and began running around the room with Superman held high, making a "whoosh" noise with her mouth.

I have no idea where she learned this, but she was clearly  pretending that Superman was flying.

Also, it was a delightful combination of hilarious and adorable. 

And then Lily only napped for an hour and a half. I'm pretty sure she hates me. And then I went to see if Daisy was ready to be awake from her nap, only to discover that she had been in her room for nearly three hours without actually napping. Instead, she was trying on every single bathing suit she owns. I have no idea why, but at least she stayed in her room and let me think she was napping.

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