January 12

The weather forecast predicted an ice storm early this morning, and I confess: I was hoping for a snow day. Sadly, it didn't come to pass, and I sent my tired boy off to school. (Our small group from church meets on Sunday nights, so Caleb gets to bed late.) The girls were equally tired, so I thought putting Lily down for her nap would be a piece of cake.

It was not a piece of cake, and by the end of the afternoon I was so frazzled and frustrated that all I wanted was cake. Or alcohol, but that's not an option right now, so cake would have been nice. But there was no cake. And there was no nap.

I spent an hour rocking and holding Lily, allowing her to fall asleep in my arms, laying her gently in her crib, placing my hand on her back to help her settle back into sleep in her crib, creeping quietly out of the room, only to have her jolt awake as I closed the bedroom door. Over and over and over.

Then I spent an hour letting her fuss/talk in her room, hoping the tiredness would overtake her and she would put herself to sleep. Ha!

Desperate, I spent a third hour lying in bed with her, trying to convince her that snuggling up with me and napping together was a good idea. Fail.
Would you like to see what that looked like? Of course you would. That's why you're here.

Don't let that grin fool you. Even though we were snuggled in bed together and she was free to do anything she wanted, Lily spent at least half of the time crying. She was just that tired, and there was nothing I could do to console her.

Are you wondering what she's doing in the picture above, besides grinning? That's my shoulder she's resting on. She's laughing as she tries to climb over my shoulder. 

Yep. Our snuggles looked mostly like this. Exhausted Mama, trying desperately to get some rest and calm her little one, and squiggly child who only wants to use Mommy's face as a pillow.

I repeat: there was no napping today, and no cake. I am calling today a failure.

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