January 31

Today was our first full day at home with Baby Eli, and man, it was full! At the end of the day I found Chris' to-do list for the day. 

And you know what? He managed to do everything except the grocery shopping. Instead, he bought me a minivan. I call that a win. 

This is what it looks like when I try to set Eli down for a minute. It doesn't last long.

Unless he's asleep, and then he looks like this.

And the day was full of planning and phone calls and tidying and organizing and go, go, go. Chris' parents stopped by for a quick visit to meet Eli, but while they were here Chris got a call from one of the car dealerships he had been negotiating with; they had a price we liked for a van we liked, but it was a today-only deal and they closed in an hour. Chris practically ran out of the house! His parents entertained the big kids while I fed Eli.
The neighbors brought over a cake.
Chris' parents left and my mom came over to entertain the kids while I made dinner.
We ate. My dad came over. Mom gave the kids baths while I fed Eli. Chris came home with our new van, just in time for this:
Daisy in her jammies, proudly holding her baby.

My dad drove Chris back to the car dealership to pick up our other car (Chris drove his car down there, left his car there and drove the new van home, then had to go back to get his car. Yuck.) and Chris came home in time to wash all of the dishes while wearing his new son: 
I know. If that doesn't earn him "Husband of the Year", I don't know what does. I am blessed beyond measure.

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