January 25

I'm going to be honest: I just spent the last two hours editing the pictures I took last week of a brand-new baby, so I'm about done with the computer for the day. Also, I'm exhausted. 
(Is it just me, or is the 4th pregnancy more exhausting than previous pregnancies for every mom? I just feel more pregnant, and more tired, more often. Maybe I just need more vitamin D.)

So. We usually leave church around 10:45 on Sunday mornings, and my mom usually leaves her church around 11, which means that we often end up near our house at the same time. Mom chose to stop by for 15 minutes this morning, and the girls were so happy. Caleb chose to stay in his room and play Legos. Whatever.

Daisy, in that awesome striped ensemble, complete with striped socks, tricked Mom into reading her this piece of quality literature. (Side note: books like this are the unfortunate consequence of Daddy taking the kids to the library. However, it's a consequence I will gladly accept.)
Lily wore a new dress for the first time today (New to her, that is. Daisy wore it when she was little, and before that it was a hand-me-down from someone at my MOPS group.) and was mostly concerned that Grandma notice her pretty dress.

Mom left when lunch was ready, and while both girls took awesome naps, Caleb and I baked some muffins. And that's all there is to report, and I've been sitting way too long. The end. 

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