February 7

Today was slow and lovely and just what we needed. I started my morning with my daily handful of pills:
Ibuprofen, Tylenol, antibiotic, probiotics, placenta pills, prenatal multivitamin.
Seriously, I should be the healthiest person in the world right now, or at least the most pain-free. Sadly, that's not the case. But I'm sure we'll get there. 

Eli and I ventured out of the house to somewhere that was not a doctor's office or hospital for the first time; we took a family trip to Target. Chris drove, but Eli and I enjoyed our first ride in the new van. Eli rocked it in his new car seat, and snoozed through Target wrapped on my chest. It was pretty darn easy!

Of course, Eli was totally worn out by the end of the trip.
I realize that all I'm posting are sleeping baby pictures, but all Eli seems to do is sleep. And eat. And then sleep some more. When he is awake - which isn't very often, and doesn't last very long - he looks around with a confused expression. It's quite endearing. I'd be confused, too, if I arrived into the world as early as he did. Heck, I'm still confused by his arrival, but I sure am glad he's here.

Also, please forgive  the crummy cell phone picture, but I witnessed Baby's First "Blue Steel" today. Good job, Eli!

After Target, lunch, then  naps, then Chris and Caleb washed my old car (we're ready to list it for sale - hopefully it goes quickly!), the boys went for a bike ride, I nursed and snuggled Eli, and Chris and Caleb got home just in time to feed Eli a supplementary bottle of pumped breastmilk.

And Lily? She was distracted by my phone.

The girl just wanted to take a few selfies!

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