February 25

Well. After a slow start, we were wildly productive today! 

After we got Caleb on the bus, the little ones and I got ready for a playdate at a friend's house. Of course, Eli made sure that we were a good thirty minutes late, but it was still fun. 

After lunch, all three children miraculously napped at the same time. It was amazing! I used the opportunity to finish almost all of my new baby thank you notes. It was a big deal because I had a backlog of at least a dozen to write, and I feel so much better now that they're done!

Lily woke up just in time to walk to the bus stop to pick up Caleb, and when we returned home, she, Caleb, Eli and I all snuggled in bed and watched a show on PBS while I nursed Eli. When Eli was done eating, I decided that since he was four weeks old today, he might need to take a bath. (He's only had one bath so far.)

I learned that bathing a baby in the kitchen sink and trying to take pictures all by myself was not the best idea. But we managed.

Eli really enjoyed swimming in the warm water! I discovered that the sink wasn't big enough for him to stretch out, though, and he really wanted to stretch and kick his legs. Next time, I'll use an infant seat in the bath tub! 
(Side note - look at how his thighs are starting to fill out! He has little bitty rolls, instead of saggy loose skin! Yay, Eli!)

I love this look of obvious displeasure as I lifted him out of the warm water.

Sleepy, clean,  hungry baby! I'm really hoping he's going through a growth spurt, because this kiddo is nursing like crazy lately! (side note: those are brand-new newborn-sized jammies and they fit him perfectly! I love all of the signs that our little guy is growing well!)

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