February 22

Eli and I skipped church one last time today - I think by next Sunday we'll be ready to go again. Still, Chris and the kids went, so I got up and helped them get ready and out the door. They were all especially cute this morning, so I tried to take some pictures. Somehow, I only ended up with tooth-brushing pictures. Go figure.

This picture should be an outtake that gets deleted, but something about it makes me smile, so it stays. Perhaps it's Lily's perky little ponytail with bow. Or the skirt with polka dotted tights and little boots. Or the fact that she was climbing up on Daisy's bed. Or Caleb's legs, crossed so casually as he laid back and brushed his teeth. I don't know. I love it all.

Lily freaks out if Chris or I try to help her brush her teeth. But if Caleb and Daisy are brushing their teeth and she has the freedom to do what the big kids are doing, all by herself, then she happily brushes her own teeth.

Daisy asked for pigtails today. I never say no to pigtails.

Caleb chose to wear a muscle shirt over long sleeves today. He also chose to brush his teeth while lying down. His toothbrush also matched his shirt.
I have no idea.

Lily tried the complicated "Downward Dog while Brushing" pose. She did a pretty good job.

My mom and Ryan stopped by on their way home from church this afternoon, and Ryan got to meet Eli for the first time. 
I know Ryan looks unimpressed, but I think he was actually pretty impressed with Eli. I love this picture because Ryan looks just like his mom (my sister Emily) here. I think it's the eyes.

Eli quickly grew bored with the visit. Soon we'll have to teach him that it's rude to yawn when meeting someone for the first time.

Speaking of first times, Eli wore a couple different newborn-sized sleepers for the first time today. I can tell he's growing, because the preemie clothes that used to fit him perfectly are getting a bit small, and the ginormous newborn-sized clothes are starting to fit! His face is also filling out quite a bit.

Another first? I'm pretty sure Eli smiled at Chris tonight. I would call it a fluke because he's only three and a half weeks old and because of the preemie factor (we've been told to expect to see him hit milestones later than normal, based on his due date instead of his birth date), but he did it three separate times! What was insulting, though, was that I was holding Eli, but he looked past me to stare at Chris and then smile at him. No smiles for Mommy - you know, the one who makes all the milk? - but three different smiles for Daddy. Oh, well. I'll get my smiles soon enough.

It's a busy week for us: Eli and I have our 4-week postpartum checkup on Tuesday, then another craniosacral therapy appointment on Thursday, then Eli's one-month checkup with the doctor on Friday. I can't believe this baby is almost a month old! Even stranger, I can't believe that he's almost a month old, but he's still not even supposed to be born yet! Still, life with him is starting to feel normal, and today I came to the realization that though things are hard now, it really is a very short season of hardship. Soon enough, Eli will be just like every other baby! In the meantime, I just have to survive the sleep deprivation necessary to get us there.

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