February 12

Chris went back to work today, and we survived.
I'll be honest - the day was much easier because my mom came over at 11 and left at 7. But still. I handled the children on my own for a solid 2 and a half hours. OK, so maybe it wasn't that big of a deal, after all. 

Breastfeeding boot camp for Eli is not going well. I'm doing everything I can - setting an alarm to wake me every 3 hours in the night, attempting to nurse Eli every 2.5 hours, giving him an extra bottle of milk every feeding, pumping 'round the clock... but sometimes, the kid just doesn't want to wake up. Or if I wake him up, he's just not interested in eating. And he still won't nurse on my right side at all. It's frustrating and discouraging. We go back to the doctor tomorrow morning for a weight check, and I'm prepared for bad news. Please keep praying for us?

In good news, Eli, Lily, and I took Daisy to preschool today. Lily, who was completely uncooperative on Tuesday, held my hand and walked into preschool all by herself. She was an old pro. She even held my hand and walked down the dozen steps, and back up them on our way out! I was so proud of her, and I could tell that she was pretty happy with herself, too. She also walked with me to get Caleb off the bus in the afternoon, and held my hand and cooperated the whole way. What a relief!

While Daisy was at preschool and Caleb at school, Lily got to have some quality time with her baby brother. What you can't see in this picture is that Lily's nose ran like a faucet all day today. What you can see is how much  she adores Eli. It is so, so sweet.

Then my mom came over to stay with Lily so that I could go to Daisy's preschool Valentine's Day party. I wrapped Eli onto my chest and headed into the classroom, and Daisy lit up when she saw me. She wasn't expecting me to come, and I was a little bit late, so she was totally surprised when I walked in. Daisy immediately took my hand, walked me around the classroom, showed me all of the cool things she had done, and then brought me to the play-doh table. She pulled out a chair and told me I could sit, and then we played play-doh together. It was wonderful, and she was so happy.

Also happy? Lily, who got to spend time with her Grandma. Those two are so funny together!

The best part of my day was lunch time, when my mom put both girls down for naps so that I could crawl into bed to feed and snuggle Eli all afternoon. I am blessed to have a mom like her.

Eli and I woke up in time for me to get Caleb off the bus, and he was flush with excitement from his school Valentine's Day party.
Caleb had to bring a "mailbox" for his Valentines, and I was full of plans to create a simple box that Caleb decorated himself. Then Chris let me sleep an evening away, and when I woke up the kids were in bed and it was too late for my plan. I had to come up with a box that Caleb would love and that would utilize supplies I had on hand. 

Lego box, it was. 

Caleb informed me that it was the coolest box in his class, and he was really  happy with it. He was also happy with all of the candy he got from his classmates.

While I attempted to take Caleb's picture with the box, I noticed a little someone creeping into the picture. Lily wanted to be in the photo with her brother! What a funny girl.

Also, her little sweat pants are hilarious.

Sleepy baby.

My mom grabbed my camera and snapped these shots of Daisy and me with Eli. 

This girl. I wish I could adequately describe what a loving, thoughtful, compassionate, caring person she is. Daisy is so quick with an "I love you" or to ask if someone is okay. She always remembers people's preferences, and is surprisingly thoughtful and intuitive for a three-year-old.

And she loves her brother so, so much. 

Seriously. Can you see the love-beams bursting out of her eyes?

And for some reason, she loves me. I hope that one day I can be the person she believes I am, but for now, it bolsters my spirit to know that this child believes the best about me. I am blessed.

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