February 20

After we got Caleb on the bus this morning, the girls and I took Eli to the diaper store for another weigh-in. On Tuesday he was 5 lb, 14.5 oz. I was disappointed that he hadn't gained enough, but hoped that maybe it was due to being weighed on a different scale. Today, on the same scale, he weighed 6 lb, 2 oz. That's an increase of 3.5 oz in 3 days, which is right where we want him to be. Way to go, Eli!

When we got home, I wrapped him up in our new wrap so that I could make the girls lunch. When I wear him out in public, I often get comments like, "Is there a baby in there? I couldn't even tell!"
It's true -  Eli is so little that it just looks like I have a lumpy vest on, rather than a baby on my chest. But from my angle, it's totally different. I can hear him breathing, feel his chest move with each breath, and brush my lips against his soft, downy head. He may squawk at first when I wrap him on me, but Eli always ends up sound asleep when he's on my chest. Babywearing is definitely one of my favorite things about having little ones. So today, I couldn't resist snapping a few pictures of my view when I wear Eli.
To be honest, I'm still figuring out how to wrap him on my front with a woven wrap. I started using woven wraps when Lily was 6 months old, so I focused all of my energy on learning to do back carries and not front carries. This was my first attempt at kangaroo carry, and I know that top rail (the gray stripe) is not as snug as it should be, and probably not positioned where it should be. But he could breathe just fine and was snug and secure, so we'll call it a temporary success.

I loosened the top rail a bit so that you could see his sweet little hand up by his face and his fuzzy little ear. Darling baby!

After dinner tonight, Caleb and Daisy wanted to play Just Dance. We used a Christmas giftcard to get the kids the Wii version of the game a few weeks ago, and they really like it. They still haven't figured it out, but they don't seem to mind. 
We give Lily an extra wii-mote and let her think that she's playing too, and she is so happy!

Honestly, Lily may be better at the game than Caleb and Daisy are. She spins and twirls and moves her feet and really dances to the music, while they just stand there and slowly, almost imperceptibly move their arms. It's actually kind of funny. Chris and I may have to show these kids how it's done! 
Except for Lily. She's got it down.

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