February 23

Do-Nothing Monday!
And we did... almost nothing. It was beautiful. My two major accomplishments for the day were baking my birthday cake (a cheesecake with gluten-free chocolate cookie crust and cherries on top) and addressing Eli's birth announcements, which came in the mail today. Both girls took great naps, and Eli and I spent a lot of time snuggling, nursing, and pumping in bed. I call that a good day. Of course, days like that often don't have a lot of pictures to accompany them.

While Eli slept in his swing, the girls helped me make the cheesecake filling.

Later, Lily asked me to wrap her baby onto her back, which is one of her new favorite things. She'll hold the baby in one hand, a blanket in the other, and say, "Bap? Bap?" I can only assume that she's trying to say "back". As soon as I tie that baby onto her, she is as happy as a clam! I prefer a one-shouldered rebozo ruck carry, while Chris tends to use a torso carry for Lily's baby. Either way, she's happy.

Dinner was actually pleasant, and we were able to have conversation with the kids. Caleb told us last night that he likes dinnertime because we can talk about things. I love that kid.

After dinner, Chris played Zingo with all four kids. To be fair, Eli and Lily weren't very competitive players.

Then Chris read bedtime stories. He started out with all four kids, but Lily wandered off to find her cup of bedtime milk.

I love watching Eli become a part of our normal daily routine. It gives me hope that some day, life will return to normal!

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