February 18

Yesterday was my first full day home with the kiddos, but today was my first full day home with three of the four kiddos, since Daisy didn't have preschool today.

It was so cold this morning that there was no way I was willing to brave the walk to the bus stop, so I loaded the kids up in the van and we drove to the bus stop and waited for the bus. I've always thought that was a little bit of a cop-out method, but with a newborn and a 19-month-old, I'm all about copping out in any way possible.

Eli is three weeks old today, and the  big excitement is that we tried out the newborn-sized cloth diapers on him today! With the first three, I waited until each was a few months old, and once they were a bit bigger we began using our one-size cloth diapers. But with Eli, the one-size diapers will probably not fit him until he's four or five or six months old... who knows! It kills me to pay for the preemie diapers, so I grabbed a few second hand Econobum newborn diaper covers at the cloth diaper store yesterday. 

Here's the big reveal:
Yep. That's what a not-quite-six-pound three-week-old looks like. The saggy, wrinkly skin just makes me think he looks like an old man, which is pretty funny.
It's also funny that his big ol' diaper is a newborn size, and that this brand tends to run small.

Want to see the other kids in their first cloth diaper pictures? Of course you do!

(He was about three months old. I didn't think to take a picture of him actually wearing the diapers. Go figure.)

She was just under one month old, and absolutely swimming in her diaper, but she didn't seem to mind.

Even though she was almost three months old, the diaper was huge on her! Lily was 12.5 pounds in this picture - I can't even fathom how long it will take poor Eli to get up to 12.5 pounds!

But the girls don't mind how skinny their brother is, and neither do I. We all adore him! I tried my best to take a picture of him, but the girls were desperate to have their pictures taken with him, too. Finally it was their turn.

Daisy proudly held her brother while Lily kissed Eli's little feet.

Then Lily played "This Little Piggy" with Eli.

Get used to it, Eli. These girls are going to be smothering you with love for the rest of your life!

Aren't they the cutest?

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