June 22

Did you know that we'll have three children in a few weeks?

And now we have three car seats in our car.
There's no way we can afford a minivan anytime soon, so we're going to rock the three-seats-across for as long as possible, thanks to the Diono Radian, which is the slimmest car seat on the market. Caleb and Daisy each have one, and it should be the only car seat/booster they'll ever need. (Really. Thing has a 10-year expiration date and holds up to 120 pounds.)

Meanwhile, Baby Rainbow will go where Cookie Monster currently is, in an Evenflo Symphony 65. We decided to put Baby straight into a convertible car seat, and skip the pumpkin seat altogether. There's no way I'd be lugging around a car seat and corralling Caleb and Daisy at the same time, so we're doing this instead.

 So far, it's a bit awkward getting Daisy out of her seat, but we'll manage. The kids are content, and we have a few weeks to get used to the situation before Baby comes. Hopefully it works out, because I don't think we have any other options...

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