June 13

I know it's been several days since I last posted something, but I promise that today's post is worth the wait. 
We've had a busy, busy, BUSY week. Tonight was probably the highlight of the week, though: a special event at Busch Stadium!

Chris' employer has season tickets for the Cardinals, and the team invited season ticket holders to a movie night at the Stadium with free ballpark food and the opportunity to watch The Sandlot from the outfield. We somehow lucked into those tickets. Hooray for us!

This may have been our only chance to play in the outfield of Busch Stadium, so we lived it up.

Again: probably the only time these boys will ever run in the outfield of a major league ballpark.

This girl didn't smile a lot, but she was definitely having fun. I think she was just taking it all in.

My darlings. Can you believe that in a month (or less?) there will be three of them in my arms instead of two?

I promise that Daisy was happy. Really.

We had initially planned to go to an almost-appropriate-for-our-diet restaurant before the event, but we ran out of time. Chris and I made an executive decision to allow the children to eat the (completely inappropriate, chemical-filled) ballpark food. Right after I snapped this photo, though, I caved and took Daisy's bun away. Wheat is still really hard for her to digest, and I just couldn't do that to her, no matter how much she enjoyed eating the bun.

Caleb knew what a special treat the food was, and he relished every bite.

Then the movie started. Chris and I sat back and watched a bit (see it up on the scoreboard?) while the kids tumbled and romped in the grass.

We didn't stay for very long after the movie started. The Sandlot is definitely a classic, but I'm not sure the kids are ready for it yet.

This photo is courtesy of my camera propped up on the diaper bag and my shutter remote. Nice.

See? Daisy really was happy.

I'm not sure whether Daisy was using my belly as a pillow, or trying to snuggle with Baby Rainbow. Either way, it was pretty sweet.

Then we left, and headed for CityGarden for some splashing before bedtime.

I promise I don't let her walk barefoot through random urban areas. She only had her shoes off because we were walking from one splash area to another.

This boy was like a puppy, running and splashing through the fountains.

Daisy was a bit more reserved.

I love my boys, running through the water in the twilight!

The kids didn't get to bed until 9:30, but it was totally worth it. What a fun evening!

1 comment:

  1. that looks so fun! What a great idea to show a movie there. You guys are so cute and no I can't believe there will be a new baby soon! AAAAH!!
