October 17

Do you ever wonder what we do all day? Sometimes I wonder that. Most mornings, we start with something like this:
OK, maybe I should back up. Chris gets up at 5:30 and gets ready for work. As the kids wake up, usually around 6 or 6:30, he takes care of them and feeds them first breakfast (fruit and "good morning coffee"). Meanwhile, I snooze away until 7, when Chris leaves for work. He deposits Daisy in bed with me, and we snuggle while I nurse her. Usually Caleb joins us for snuggles, too. I often feel guilty that I'm enjoying one of the best parts of parenthood (snuggling in bed with the kids) while Chris battles traffic and works his tail off to provide for us, but then I remember that my job has tough parts, too.

When Daisy finishes nursing, playtime begins.

Playtime isn't usually this active, but Caleb was feeling particularly frisky this morning.
Immediately before he took a flying leap, he informed me that he was being "a trapeze guy."
I was really hoping he would forget that part of the circus.

Even Daisy gets in on the climbing and playing.

Sometimes, she even tackles her brother.

Playtime's nearly over. How can I tell? Daisy has laid down on my pillow and is pulling the covers up. Right after this, she pretended to sleep. Funny girl.

Then we made zucchini muffins for breakfast. The kids sat on the counter and "helped" while I worked. When the muffins were ready, we all sat at the kitchen table and read the newspaper while we ate breakfast (my only breakfast, the kids' second breakfast. They're like hobbits.)

After breakfast, we all got dressed and I loaded the diaper bag so we could head to Costco. But I got distracted by how cute Caleb and Daisy looked in their Cardinals gear, so we had an impromptu photo shoot.

I love her little tongue sticking out! 
(Yes, she's wearing Cardinals slippers instead of shoes. It's one of the perks of being a baby.)

I got these expressions by singing, "Doo doo do doo do DOOOO..."
This is their "CHARGE!"

Cute, huh?

Caleb was delighted to roll around in this new grass that we planted last month. I'm delighted the grass is growing!

Giving Daisy a "leaf shower".

She didn't mind.

Girl is practicing her walking! I really think she may have it by Halloween!

I love him, even when he's a stinker.

Speaking of stinkers... 
This is what happens when Daisy realizes she has a bow in her hair and I won't let her take it out.

We eventually made it to Costco, and we even made it home before Daisy fell asleep in the car. It's always better when I can feed her lunch before naptime. Unfortunately, I didn't photograph anything else today, so you may safely assume that we did nothing all afternoon.

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