July 6

Chris took a few days off work this week, so we've been soaking up the family relaxation time. This morning we went on an impromptu family bike ride around the nearby lake. We love family bike rides, but lately it's been much, MUCH too hot for them in the after dinner. Really, it was much too hot this morning, too, but we didn't realize that until we were halfway through the ride.

We were slowing down to turn around and head home when a nearby picnicker with two kids yelled, "Carrie!" 
It turned out to be Jen, who is the niece of our neighbors across the street. Her kiddos Caleb and Hannah are almost exactly the same age as Caleb and Daisy, and they are so much fun. After the kids played for a bit, Chris and I persuaded them to stop by our house later, after they were done with their picnic. We then loaded the kids back on the bike and began the long slog home.

We were hot and sweaty when we got home, so we did the only sensible thing: got out the sprinkler.
Do you remember how terrified Caleb was of the sprinkler last year?

No longer.

He ran through that thing with reckless abandon.
Who am I kidding? My child does nothing with reckless abandon. It may look like he was sprinting through the water in the above picture, but really he was gingerly stepping through it.
But at least he wasn't afraid!

Daisy loved it, though.
Can you see the look of fearless delight on her face?

Poor girl stayed up way past naptime today - the past two days have been single-nap days for her, which is much easier on our schedule, but a little bit rough for her. Can you see how sleepy she is?

(Have I mentioned that she is officially sleeping through the night?
It's been four or five days now, so it's official. It's a little bit exciting.)

Then Jen and Caleb and Hannah came over. The other Caleb has a temperament very similar to our Caleb's. He wasn't feeling the sprinkler at first, so we got out the water table. 
Look at her, standing like a pro!

Caleb loves cars. Daisy loves water. They played quite well together with the cars and the water.

Eventually, Caleb worked up the nerve to try out the sprinkler. 
I love this one. Wish it had been properly exposed. (Yes, Chris D. I know. RAW. I'm getting there. Give me some time.)

I love the expressions on all of the kids' faces here. I also love that Chris is running through the sprinkler carrying both Hannah and Daisy.

What a funny boy!

Then the boys had lunch together. Our Caleb is a slow eater, and the other Caleb is a particular eater. But positive peer pressure can be miraculous, and both boys quickly demolished everything on their plates. (I'm sure the rigors of sprinkler play in the heat helped them work up an appetite, too.)

Oh, that Caleb is a cutie pie! Love him!

1 comment:

  1. What a great blog. Thank you so much for sharing this! We had so much fun with you guys. It was such effortless summer fun! We hope to do it again sometime soon. Tell Caleb Happy Birthday!!!!! What a blessing our Calebs our to our lives. They are gifts from God, a gift that just keeps on giving. Thank you again for using your gifts of writing and photography to brighten up so many people's day!
