July 15

We had a fun Sunday today. Nothing exciting; just fun.

Daisy and Chris stayed home from church, so I got to take Caleb. When we returned home, Caleb was asleep in his car seat and Daisy had just finished napping and was ready to play. No break today!

Luckily, Daisy was content to sit in Caleb's little chair and play with a tissue for a good thirty minutes. Really, "content" is an understatement - she was delighted to play with that tissue.
Balancing it on her foot.

Now it's a hat.

She is so goofy!

Pretending to blow her nose.

She loved that tissue until she had shredded it into a hundred little pieces.
Also, isn't her lopsided, three-toothed smile hilarious? 

When Daisy went down for her nap, Caleb chose to use his watercolors for the first time. They were a birthday gift from Grandma, so he decided that his first painting should go to her.

When he finished painting, he asked me, "Will you hold me?" Thinking he wanted to snuggle, I scooped him up. Then he said, "Will you hold me and take me outside and into the street so I can put this in the mailbox and send it to Grandma?"

I was totally caught off guard by his thought process, which was quite detailed. So even though he didn't want to snuggle, I was pleased with his thoughtfulness.

And as soon as he finished Grandma's painting, he started one for Grandmother.
(I think Grandmother's turned out better, but let's not tell Grandma!)

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