July 24

1. Daisy says "catch" now, and throws a ball to us.

2. Caleb keeps insisting that his name is NOT Caleb, but is in fact Lightning McQueen. It would be cute, except that he corrects us each time we call him Caleb. It's getting old, fast.

3. Daisy has three teeth on top that are almost through/already through at once. I find this especially odd because she only has two teeth on bottom.

4. Caleb got Cars 2 from the library. Some people said it was too dark for kids his age, others said it was fine. Caleb himself informed me that it was not fine; he asked me to skip through a few parts in the twenty minutes he spent watching it today. At naptime, he said, "I want to talk to you for a minute. In Cars 2, the car jumps into the water."
Me: "How did that make you feel?"
him: "Sad."
I am blessed to be raising such a sensitive, articulate little boy.

5. Got Daisy's lab results back today. No Celiac Disease (praise the Lord!), but despite my best efforts to provide her with iron-rich foods, she is still anemic. We  now have nasty iron supplements for her. We're still waiting to hear back on the immunological tests - those should be another week or more.

6. Daisy has a runny nose today. We are going to assume that it is from the teeth, and not from the fact that we put her in the nursery at church on Sunday. (It was our turn to serve back there, so we were with her and one other baby the whole time.)

Luckily, Daisy knows just how to handle a runny nose:

And lots of them.
I should have known she was up to no good when everything was quiet for a few minutes. I thought she was just playing happily. Really, I was right: she was playing happily. With my Kleenex. *sigh*  It was a rookie mistake; I should know better by now.

Also, I find Caleb's current chalkboard art to be fascinating. He's drawing lots of circles, but not with a continuous line. Or even with one color. I actually think it's pretty cool!

7. These children are going to be with babysitters the next three days: Grandmother for Bible Study tomorrow, Grandmother again for a dinner with Chris' colleagues Thursday night, and Grandma Friday so that we can have an anniversary/Chris' birthday date. I'm not sure when I was last away from the kids so much! Please start praying now that they do not behave like wild animals for the family.

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