July 11

After dinner this evening, we all headed out to the driveway to play with one of Caleb's birthday gifts.

Grandmother and Grandad got him a Stomp Rocket, Jr. It's pretty much the coolest thing ever. Caleb loves it. Daisy loves it. Heck, we all love it!
Do you see the look of delight and anticipation on Daisy's face as she prepares for Caleb to stomp the rocket into the air?
Daisy will even scoot up to the stomping pad and try to stomp it with her delicate little feet. It's pretty funny.

Also funny? Watching Caleb's facial expressions as he stomps.

He's so proud of his stomp-age!

This is not even posed. It's an actual action shot of Caleb stomping, and I am laughing out loud as I type this. It's especially funny because every.single.picture I have of him stomping looks like this.

Daisy has made lots of gross-motor progress the past few days! Check this out:

Go, Daisy, go! 
(Well, she's not actually going anywhere yet, but she's gaining confidence and learning to balance.)

She knows she's on a roll, too. Yay, Daisy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love stomp rockets! How did I forget that kids are the perfect excuse for playing with them? Pretty soon Daisy is going to be jumping on that stomping pad with both feet! :)
