July 27

Today is Chris' actual birthday, so we celebrated again. He spent the morning golfing, and in the afternoon the kiddos helped him eat cake and open gifts.
Birthday cake. Yum.
Caleb and I decorated the chalkboard wall for Chris' birthday.

Boys and presents. Chris' hair is a direct result of the morning's golf game - it doesn't normally look like that. I wish I had scanned the photo in the frame. It's a picture of Chris when he was around Daisy's age, and he looks just like her. Only not underweight.

Caleb wore the bags,

While Daisy opened them.

It was a fun day for our little family. Then my mom came over and Chris and I went out to celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary, which is actually next week. What fun!

Also, while looking for the picture I put in the "Happy Birthday" frame, I came across this one of Chris and his sister, Grace. 

Do you see that he is meeping that baby's nose? Does it remind you of when Caleb met Daisy, and immediately did this?
He is definitely his father's son.

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