July 10

This girl of mine is making progress! 

After breakfast this morning, we went out to play on the deck. I left the kids for a moment to check on my plants, and when I returned to the deck, I saw Daisy sitting at Caleb's little picnic table, all by herself.

I looked around and realized that Caleb must have helped her, because there was no way she could do it on her own. I helped her down, and went inside to grab my camera. But when I came back out, she was in the process of climbing up on the bench - all by herself!!
Apparently she can do that now?
Caleb was pleased to have someone to chat with at the table.

At dinner time, the girl did it again! 
This time, though, she brought reading material. She has her current favorite book (have I mentioned she now says the "k" in book? "Boo-KH!"), Baby 1 2 3. She's smiling because she's turned to her favorite page: 9 roaring dinosaurs. She turns to that page and ROARS her little heart out!

There's my sweet girl! I rarely get smiles like this on camera, but I see them all the time.

Yay, Daisy!
Today she also stood, unassisted, for the first time. It was only for a few seconds, but she did it! Also, she now says "milk". First she would say "book" instead of milk. Then she progressed to "mmm-gook". Now, she says "mulk" - and always as she's tugging at my shirt. Funny girl.

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