July 23

Goodness, it was hot today!
I was feeling frisky this morning, so I took the kids to a nearby park. Happily, the park had a splash pad with fountains; sadly, I left my camera at home. Then we went home and... got back in the water. I needed to water my plants, and Caleb likes to help, and... well, you get the idea.
Caleb "helping" water the plants.
Please note: the hose is aimed away from all plants. Any actual watering that occurred was merely incidental.

He did remember to water the Daisy, though.
Luckily, the girl understood that the spraying was all in good fun.

Then Caleb took the water play to a whole new level: he removed his clothing and sat down in a metal tub filled with two inches of dirty, old  water. Once I realized the boy was adamant about bathing in that tub, water temperature be darned, I filled it up with fresh, cold water.

He knew it was cold, but he enjoyed it anyway.

Look at that happily bathing beauty!

Daisy was smart, though, and had nothing to do with the cold water. She sat, soaking wet and shirtless, at the picnic table and was quite pleased.

Both wet, both happy. 

Then they both ate massive lunches and both took loooong naps - Daisy three hours, Caleb three and a half - AT THE SAME TIME!!! I could really go for this one-nap-a-day thing with Daisy!

When Daisy woke up, she caught up on her favorite blog, which just happened to feature both her and Caleb today. She's never really experienced our computer or the fact that it's a touch-screen before, so she was enthralled. You can't see her whole face, but she was grinning ear-to-ear over that picture of Caleb. Can you see a hint of her dimply smile?

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