January 5

Blogger was being obnoxious last night, and we were out late celebrating my nephew Ryan's 13th birthday, so the post for January 5 is late. Sorry. But the pictures for today are funny, so I think you'll forgive me.

This is Caleb watching the garbage man. It's funny how excited he gets about it; I'm not sure if it's my enthusiasm, or if he really likes watching the garbage truck. It seems like he gets the most enjoyment out of the loud noises the garbage truck makes, though.

Later, I looked up from what I was doing in the kitchen and saw this: 
My funny little bear had managed to put both of my shoes on his feet and stand up in them, the whole while maintaining his grip on the clementine in his hand. Funny boy!

Then he tried to take a step. Didn't work so well.

He was determined to get those shoes back on his feet, though!

Other funny things? He wore those grubby clothes all day, but before we went to celebrate Ryan's birthday I changed his clothes. When he was dressed, I said, "There. Now you look very nice."
Caleb looked up at me and said, "Miwwowr? Miwwowr?"
The kid wanted to look in the mirror so he could see how nice he looked!
So I took him into his bathroom, stood him on the vanity, and let him take a look. He was pleased.

Later, at dinner, Daddy and Jenny shared a pickle spear with Caleb. We were all really impressed that he could say "pickle" so well, but after about the 10th time we asked him to say pickle, Caleb simply responded, "Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Chris and I looked at each other and died laughing. One of Caleb's favorite books is called "Esther's Trunk" and it chronicles the tale of an elephant who has lost her trump. She goes to the doctor, who notices her stinky breath and decides to tickle her with a feather. The tickle makes her sneeze (a long, drawn-out "Ah! Ah! Ah!"), which leads to a pickle shooting out of her trunk.

Caleb remembered the book, remembered the pickle, and remembered that pickles and sneezes are connected. I love seeing how his brain works!


  1. Caleb, like his mom and dad, will go on to do GREAT THINGS. he is SMART and CREATIVE at a young age, again, like his mom and dad. What a hoot he is. G-Aunt Mag gets such a kick out of the pics. Every day is an adventure!!!!!

  2. Ohhh that is so interesting and funny! I love seeing how his brain works too! You two are so blessed with Caleb and eachother.
