January 25

So, these pictures probably won't be that thrilling to you, but they are super-exciting to me. My great eater has suddenly entered into a picky-eating phase that has me ready to morph back into AngryMom. (I was AngryMom when Caleb wasn't napping when he was 6-9 months old. It was not a pretty time, or a happy time, for our family.)

I'm really hoping that maybe he's just not feeling well, and that's why he doesn't want to eat? I'm hoping and praying against the toddler assertion-of-independence thing that I've read about with eating.

Regardless, this was the scene at our dinner table tonight:

That would be Caleb, sitting in a booster seat instead of his high chair, eating black bean enchiladas and Spanish rice.

Yum! He gobbled it up, then asked for applesauce (which he calls "hoss").

It was a happy mealtime!

Perhaps he was so hungry because all he ate today was a cup of honey milk, a cup of hot chocolate (he specifically asked for it after we played in the snow today. This kid has a dangerous memory!), yogurt, half a banana, two pieces of fish sticks, 1 bite of orange, some whole-grain goldfish crackers, and three bites of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I know that I should present him with healthful options, and if he doesn't eat them, assume that he's not hungry. But because he's in the 15th percentile for weight, and because I've been working really hard to push back his nap and move up lunch so that he can eat lunch before naptime, I've found myself running around like a frantic short-order cook for the past few days. It's really frustrating, because I'm trying everything I can to get him to eat, and he's still content to JUST NOT EAT. In the end, I'm worn out and Caleb has only picked at some food. It's no good, and I'm the one who suffers. Maybe I should just stop this foolishness? I'll try that approach tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.

Also, Caleb really likes sitting at the table, but I'm suddenly aware that our house has no child-friendly placemats. Any suggestions?


  1. we have the cutest placemats at a store here so I know there are cute ones there! if not, i'll mail you some. target has CUTE placemats for little guys.
    kel didn't like any food, no matter how much i tried or changed or fussed. when they're hungry, they'll let you know.

  2. Placemats? Our children have found one use for palcemats: spilling drinks (even the non-skid kid type tend to slide around on our table). This is fine with me, because I think it's easier to clean the table than to clean the placemats AND the table.

    And the food that Caleb ate today is more than Mary eats in two or three days sometimes. She always eats eventually, although she is more than capable of holding out until dinner is pizza or salmon, her favorites.
