January 3

Today was the official end of Chris' vacation, but it was much less painful than I expected. It helped that Caleb was particularly funny today.

Exhibit A: his new "hiding" spot
Caleb fits perfectly in the little space between the refrigerator and the laundry room. Because the fridge comes out about 3 inches past the wall, Caleb thinks he's hiding from me when I'm at the stove. It's really funny, especially because he thinks it's so funny to "hide". I pretend I don't see him, and call, "Caleb? Where's Caleb?" Then I start "looking" for him, and he starts giggling. I'm in love with this age!

Exhibit B: Flo Rida's "Low" 
I probably shouldn't be admitting this one, or at least not broadcasting it on the inter-webs. Why?
1. It makes us seem like bad parents for playing such inappropriate music for our child.
2. It makes us seem like huge geeks for still listening to the song that was the big hit of 2008.

I've never been one for keeping up pretenses, though, so I'll spill it. Chris has the song "Low", by Flo Rida, on his running playlist on our iPod. Last night, he decided to play it for Caleb, and the kid loved it. This morning, while Chris was at work (with the iPod that features his running playlist), Caleb started asking for "Low."
More specifically, he started trying to sing "Low".

After dinner tonight, we played the song for him. These photos are of him singing, "Low low low low low low low." 

Thankfully, that's the only part of the song he knows.

P.S. Can you tell from the hands-in-the-mouth that he has ANOTHER new tooth coming in? That will make three new teeth in three weeks.

1 comment:

  1. ahahahha I have that song on my ipod too! how funny! love you guys!
