January 28

 We had a full day and a late night tonight, so I'm out of words and itching for bed. Be patient with me?

We're in disposable diapers right now, due to Caleb's hiney issues. Today, we both realized that the one thing disposables offer that cloth diapers don't is the fantastic box. Caleb was all over that.

His climbing skills have gotten really great in the past few days.

He's even mastered a fancy dismount!

This is Caleb "flying". He'll shout "Fy!" and run toward me, arms outspread. It's really funny.

Later, we went to Chris' Aunt Bebe's house to celebrate his Aunt Maggie's 50th birthday.

I can always count on Chris to be the entertainer/reader to the kids. This is Caleb with his (?) first cousin, once removed (?) Bebe's middle son, Charlie, is 2, and so much fun! It was really interesting to see how different his personality is from Caleb's.
(Though I'm pretty sure everyone there thought Caleb was a whiny baby, because he kept bursting into tears at the slightest provocation. Poor kid - the first part of the evening was definitely not one of his finest moments.) 

Bebe, birthday girl Maggie, and Bebe's youngest (for now), Carter. Maggie was breaking in the sling I made as her birthday gift. Can you belive that she's 50? She definitely doesn't look it!

Caleb fell asleep 10 minutes into the drive home. The last thing I heard from him was, "Bingo. Farmer." That's his attempt at singing B-I-N-G-O. When we got home, I had to take a photo despite the terrible lighting because of something really funny and sweet.

Before we left to head home, I gave Caleb my long beaded necklace to play with. When we got home, my sleeping baby was wearing the necklace around his neck! I thought it was too cute that, instead of just playing with the necklace, he decided to wear it. And he even managed to put it on correctly, despite the car seat!

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