January 1

Happy New Year!

(I just made some more changes to the blog, including  back to black! I'm still not sure if I'm completely happy, though. What do you think? Do I need to fix anything?)

We spent the first day of 2011 trying to accomplish things around the house, and we were fairly productive. In fact, I've now checked everything off my "Chris is home for the week" to-do list except one: write thank-you notes for Christmas. Usually I'm much more prompt at writing them (like, I often have them written on Christmas day), but I've been busy enjoying my family and working on growing this baby inside of me. We're at the point now where Chris can feel Baby's kicks, and my whole belly twitches when Baby kicks. It's all pretty fun.

Chris made an effort today to prove to me that I don't actually look like the Incredible Inflatable Woman by taking some pictures of me playing with Caleb.

Caleb and I were playing on the couch, where Caleb alternated between bouncing (one of his new favorite things) and playing with my shadow.

We were having lots of fun! During this time, I also discovered that Caleb has developed two new teeth in the past week, which would explain his not-so-sound sleep lately.

I made my shadow into a goose, then made the goose's tongue wiggle with a funny sound. Caleb thought it was hilarious and tried to mimic me.

This was his response when I asked him what a goose says.
(He honked his nose and said, "Honk!")

Later, while Chris and I were making dinner, I realized I couldn't find Caleb. Our first floor is pretty small, so I called his name a few times as I walked into the living room.

The sound of his giggles was enough to give him away.

I found him wedged between the couch and the window. When I asked him what he was doing, he said, "Hiding!"
I especially love that he was hiding with the remote control for the TV.

He is such a funny boy!


  1. Fun! You do not look like the inflatable women- you look great Carrie! Hope you're still feeling good too. =-)

  2. Dang- sorry for the typo you REALLY don't look like more than one woman. haha

  3. I liked the green- it was cheerful. The black is so dark!

  4. AHAHh how adorable! Hiding? He is so smart! I loved seeing you guys over the holidays!
    Maybe you should try a different style for the blog- not the green or black, something new and fun!
