August 6

Today's post is all about awesomeness.


Look very closely...

Yup. That's our baby in the wheel of a monster truck. Because that's how we roll.

A local church is having a car show tomorrow, and I guess they put the truck out in their front lawn to attract attention. It certainly caught my attention! Caleb and I were driving home when we saw it, and it was all I could do to keep driving and not immediately slam on the brakes and make a u-turn.

Luckily, I had the restraint to wait until Chris got home to visit the truck.
I knew I would need a spotter.

Caleb loved the truck!

I should probably explain that our affinity for monster trucks is a little bit tongue-in-cheek. Really, we just think they're hilarious. The people that are rabid truck fans are even funnier.

That said, this photo op was the highlight of my week. I mean, who wouldn't want to put their baby in a giant truck? Who wouldn't want to expose their child to such awesomeness? I was shocked there weren't multiple families lined up to do the same thing!

Call us trendsetters, I guess.

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