August 15

My mom took this photo of Caleb today during "Grandma Time".

Everything went perfectly during our first night away from him - we had a fun time, we didn't worry at all, Caleb didn't fuss for Grandma, and Grandma even got a great night's sleep.

Plus, as you can tell from the photo, Caleb had a blast! It was so fun to see his reaction when Grandma first got to our house. He saw her, smiled, then realized who it was and smiled even bigger, then started wiggling and waving his hands and kicking his feet and bouncing up and down.

How could anyone not love a reception like that?

We're so thankful that my mom was willing to come stay with Caleb so we could be away and just be a couple, instead of parents. What fun we had! Plus, in the past week Caleb has gotten to spend quality time with all of his grandparents. It makes my heart so happy and full to see how much he loves them and how much they love him. We are so blessed!


  1. Glad things went well and you guys had a great time! =-)

  2. I'm so glad Caleb went along with your plan and everyone had fun! When I hear of anyone leaving their roughly one-year-old with a babysitter at all, let alone overnight, I automatically feel a bit nauseated, because it makes me think back to what Catherine was like at that age with babysitters, family included: if you didn't think it was physically possible for a baby to scream for 8 straight hours, she would be happy to prove you wrong. Lucky for us, she outgrew it. Lucky for you, Caleb seems much too laid back for that kind of nonsense!

  3. OMG, he is the BEST baby!!! They are SOOOO lucky and blessed!!! (So is Grandma!) :)
