August 1

I'm completely baffled by the fact that it is now August.

Yes, I learned the part in elementary school where August follows July. I just don't understand where July went.

Today, Caleb got his very own armchair. Since he's such an avid reader, we felt it was a necessary purchase. Also, his friends Catherine and Mary each have their own armchairs, and they are both bright and talented young ladies. Obviously, logic dictates that Caleb will be a bright and talented young man if he gets an armchair, right? (I think I might have taught my students a unit on logical fallacies that would refute that claim, but we'll worry about that another time.)

Caleb was eager to break in his new chair.

Chris is currently reading The Read-Aloud Handbook, so he understands the importance of making reading a family priority. I think this chair is one more step toward raising a good little reader!

1 comment:

  1. I support whatever logic it was that justified the purchase. At this age, the closer they can imitate you, the happier they are... take advantage!
