May 31

Today was supposed to be library day, but instead it was Botanical Garden day because some friends from MOPS were all meeting there. But first, swim team practice.
And before that, family reading time.
I feel like I share pictures like this at least once a week, but it never fails to warm my heart to get up out of bed in the morning and find this.

I mean, really. How sweet are they?

Swim practice was uneventful - Daisy refused to do anything except kickboard. That girl is stubborn like her mama! We left the pool and headed straight to the Garden.
Except Wednesdays are the day that it is free for every county resident, so the place was packed

I have no idea why my children's faces look like this. I blame it on their father, even though he wasn't there. Only he could breed children with such goofy faces.

We only stayed at the Garden for about an hour before we  needed to go home for naps, but it was still a lot of fun!

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