May 24

Today was a babywearing meeting day! It ended up being a really hectic meeting, but the kids were remarkably cool and well-behaved. Sometimes I get so frustrated with my kids, but when I take them out in public I often find myself marveling at how well-behaved they can be. Today was one of those days, and I was so thankful. They are good kids.
Waiting for our meeting to start. Spoiler: the manager of the store never showed up, and we had to relocate to the Whole Foods down the street.
Also, I love my little Daisy photobomb.

The mailman brought me these new summer kicks. I want to love them, but I'm afraid they make my feet look like miniature boats. Also, I need to find some appropriate socks to wear with them, because they are super low-cut, so I need super-no-show socks. Is there such a thing? 

Daisy read a book to Eli. 

It makes my heart thump heard inside of my chest to see how happy and competent and capable she is. I love that she is officially a reader!

In addition to the library's summer reading program, we are doing the Botanical Garden's summer reading program. The twist on the Garden's program is that you have to read fewer books, but you have to read them all outside.  
So, family pre-bedtime reading time in the front yard! Can you tell it was a bit chilly today?

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