May 2

Remember how last night, I was up way too late with photo editing and a two-year-old who wouldn't sleep?
This was us this morning:
He didn't seem to remember that he was challenging last night, or that Mommy might be tired because of him this morning. Babies, man.

Chris had the opportunity to join a client at the Cardinals game tonight, which meant that I was on my own until well after bedtime. I had to juggle making dinner (usually on the table at 5 or 5:30) and picking Caleb up from speech (at 5:00, since he didn't have his typical social skills class afterward) without my husbando's help. Luckily, it was Special Time with Grandmother day, so I had the little ones' afternoon nap time to get my stuff together. I got dinner made early, packed a picnic, and surprised the kiddos with a picnic dinner and playground time.

I even brought my big camera along! There are too many sweet photos from this evening, though, so for my own sanity these are unedited, straight-out-of-camera photos.

Cheeseburgers and veggie chips. Not your typical picnic, but they were really happy about it.

Eli is so into superheroes right now!

My favorite is his tough superhero face, posture, and voice. It's so funny!

He's flying!

See that tough-guy face? He's not mad at anyone, he's just imagining he's a superhero.

He kills me!

Daisy is Miss Independent. I sure do love her.

I asked the kids for one nice picture, and this was the best I got. It is totally them, from the outfits to the faces to the sass. What a lucky mama I am!
(There has been flooding lately, so the kids were really interested to look out over the lake and see water where there isn't usually water.)

Caleb found some bugs, so the kids all crowded around.

Eli wanted to go down this path, but Daisy stopped him and read the sign to him. She only got as far as "DANGER", but that's ok. I helped her read the rest, about how it's an archery area.

My big boy. His eyes look crazed. Apparently that's his camera face?

This girl is too funny! She wanted to be "Stripe Girl" today, and that is her very favorite bear, "Pink Bear". Lily sleeps with Pink Bear every night, and often Pink Bear borrows doll clothes and wears fancy dresses.

Finally the kids ate enough to go play at the playground. They found some friends and quickly became immersed in a pretend game of sorts. 

Daisy is all long legs and flying hair and fiery passion these days.

And Eli can navigate the big kid playground by himself!

These kids are getting older and braver and I am so proud of them!

This part of the playground used to terrify and frustrate Caleb, and now he can do it like a champ!

I'm so thankful I was able to make this evening happen, and I'm especially thankful that my allergies allowed this evening to happen. It's been a rough month of hiding inside from the oak pollen, and we're all ready to be back outside!

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