May 12

We were getting ready to run some errands this morning, and when I told Lily to brush her hair, she had an odd request.
"Will you give me four braids? Like the girl in Rapunzel?"
I had no idea what she was talking about, so she scampered away to find a princess story book. After much page-flipping, she was able to show me this picture:
Image result for tangled little girl red hair braids

See the girl in the bottom right? That's what Lily wanted to look like. I'm a sucker for a child with a vision, so I had to say yes.

Lily was quite pleased with the results.

Then we were off! 

First we picked up 40 pounds of grassfed ground beef. Then we went to IKEA.

Family IKEA selfie. Lily was being uncooperative, and Eli enjoyed riding in the toddler-sized "Superman" carrier. All we needed was a tablecloth to convert to a ring sling for a friend, so the trip was quick.

The kids were so cooperative that I bought them each an ice cream cone. Caleb, however, read the sign and discovered that it was actually frozen yogurt. He was totally peeved by that, and felt like it didn't count as a treat anymore because it is yogurt.
(Also, you can see my purchases on the table. One tablecloth became two tablecloths, plus some votive candles. Not bad, really.)

It was time to leave, and the kids really wanted to ride the escalator a few more times. I know, they don't get out much. I let them ride it up, then run down the stairs, three more times.
 (Don't worry, Mom. I told them all about escalator safety and Emily's accident.)

We got out to the van, but it was so lovely out that I decided to take a moment to snap a picture with my new pouch sling. 
It turned out beautifully, and Eli loves it. After I took this picture, I told him that I could put him down. He refused, and snuggled into me instead, saying, "NO! I stay up in you pouch!"

Eventually I got him down, and he climbed up and down these fire escape stairs several times. A plainclothes security guard even came out to see what we were doing. Like I said - my kids don't get out much.

After the little ones went down for naps, I got out the sewing machine and put together a ring sling for my friend using the cream cotton/linen tablecloth. 
The finished product!

I even had enough fabric left over to make a doll sling for my friend's older children. Lily (who took out her braids before nap time) was thrilled to try it out when she woke up.

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