April 9

How on earth is my little man NINE months old today?

Every time I nurse him, I think to myself, "He will never again be this small."
He fits so easily in my arms as I hold him and rock him in my soft green chair. He can kick his little feet against the armrest now, but he still fits.
But never again will he be this small.
I'm trying my best to savor every moment.

Right now, he:
Weighs 18 pounds, 7 ounces
Is 28 3/4 inches long
Has just started sleeping through the night - from 8pm to 6am
Takes 2 naps a day, each about 1 1/2 hours
Just learned to clap!
Rolls everywhere instead of crawling
Is really good at pivoting around when he's on his stomach
Can turn himself in circles when he sits on his bottom
Is like a cyclone when we try to change his diaper. That kid will not sit still
Talks all the time
Still nurses 5-6 times a day
Has mastered Cheerios, but doesn't get the concept of swallowing solids

Is so curious!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it's been 9 months either! He is seriously a beautiful boy!!! So fun to watch him grow.
