April 1

I was much too busy and tired today to come up with any pranks. Sorry.

However, I think we might have a new tradition in the making...

If the cow looks familiar, it's because you saw it on St. Patrick's Day.

The owners of the cow (it's fake, in case you were wondering) apparently dress it for every holiday.
Updated: I just found this story about the cow's owners (or cowners, if you will) on Francis Howell North's student website. Check it out!

Maybe by the end of the year, we'll have a year's worth of Caleb+Cow photos and we can make a calendar for the people who own the cow.

Unfortunately, our friends Cooper and Sara, who started the tradition with us, weren't able to join us for today's photos.

Fortunately, though, Caleb seems to like the Easter Cow! more than he liked the Caleb-sized leprechaun.

(By the way, as we headed back to our car after taking these photos, a mom and her teenage daughter pulled their car up behind our car. They were driving down the busy road the cow faces, saw us taking photos, and decided they needed photos, too! I think we're starting a trend.)


  1. Very cute!!!! But isn't this trespassing???

  2. You say trespassing, I say photo op.
    Sara and I discussed this, and came to the conclusion that if they dress their cow up, it becomes a public landmark, available for photos.
    Or if they get upset, we'll simply offer them a copy of the photo as a peace offering. No one could stay upset after seeing Caleb!

  3. Is this the cow on Mid-Rivers south of Willot on the west side of the road?

  4. I've thought about stealing that cow on many occasions. Now I'm glad I never did!
