April 24

Today was City-Wide Garage Sale Day!
I got to spend the morning garage sale-ing with two of my favorite people (aside from Chris and Caleb, that is), while Caleb enjoyed some quality Daddy time.

When I returned, Caleb enjoyed the fruits of my labor.

This was one of my favorite purchases of the day - a Little People schoolbus.

Why the schoolbus? Now that it's warm outside, Caleb and I like to go out on the patio in the mornings and look at our garden and watch the big yellow schoolbus drive by.
(like this!)
(I took this photo a week or so ago...)
It's always an exciting time for us when the schoolbus drives by, despite the fact that it happens about 5 times a day.

Caleb was delighted to have his very own schoolbus.
(complete with crossing guard, two students, and a wheelchair)

1 comment:

  1. But wait, who are your 2 other favorite people?????????
