November 2

I know. 
I've gotten way behind here.
Really, I'm way behind everywhere. But I'm doing my best, and I am not abandoning this little space yet, so don't give up on me!

This morning, I was working in the kitchen, Caleb was reading, and the younger three were... strangely quiet. I went searching for them, and found them like this, snuggled up in Lily's queen-sized bed:
Lily looked up from her book and chirped brightly, "We're having a sweep-ovfer!"

And then I died from the sweetness.

Seriously, how sweet are they?

Yesterday was a CC/speech/Special Time with Grandmother day, so today was our first post-Halloween school day. Today, we did math with candy.

Caleb and Daisy counted, sorted and categorized all of the candy. They weighed it with the digital scale.
Then they made a bar graph of the results.

I have rarely seen Caleb this engaged in anything. He loved having a job to do, and he did it well!

His writing assignment for the day was even about candy:
Caleb has made such great strides in his writing this year! At the beginning of the year, getting him to write two lines of copywork (not even original ideas!) was painful and drawn out. Now, he is writing five-sentence paragraphs. I love that his creative voice and sense of humor come through in his writing. Yes, his actual handwriting needs work, and yes, there are spelling errors, but I am so, so proud of my boy.

And then the mailman brought a traveling handwoven wrap, and it had all of my attention. This wrap is called Straight on Til Morning, and it was woven by Nicki at Wayward Wovens. I was thrilled to get a chance to play with it for a week before sending it on to its next host. Part of my hosting duties were to take a million pictures of it, and if there's anything I do well, it's millions of pictures.

Eli was napping when the wrap first arrived, so I put Lily up in it. She was happy to oblige.

Pretty colors!

Then Eli woke up. He didn't want to cooperate as much.

Cute baby toes!

Then Daisy fell and bonked her head, and wouldn't you know it - she wanted to go up. 
Fine by me!
(No, Mom, she wasn't really that hurt. She was making a dramatic face for the picture.)

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