November 4

Friday - yay!
Even better? Chris took the day off work! A week or so ago he was sick on a Saturday, and I had to pull double-duty to get all of my stuff done, as well as the stuff he usually does. I half-jokingly told him that I was happy to handle everything while he vomited and moaned in bed all day, but that when he was better I needed a day off in compensation.
He actually remembered, and surprised me by taking the day off. What a good man!

I slept in this morning, worked on some pictures, took a few selfies in the traveling wrap,

and was finally able to tackle a sewing project:
(I chopped a woven wrap and sewed it into a pouch sling for Eli, because apparently he loves those.)

After the little ones were down for naps, Chris took the older two to the Magic House. I got to putter around and work on more photos. 

When the little ones woke up, we played outside. You know, because it was nearly 70 degrees - IN NOVEMBER.

Eli ran up and down the sidewalk.

Why Lily had a Star Wars lunchbox and a book is beyond me, but isn't she cute?

She was so happy to be outside in the sunshine!

This face. I almost didn't share this picture because it's not a "pretty" face, but that is the face of my child's pure joy and delight. Goodness, I love her.

More pictures of Lily because she is just so darn sweet. She's growing into a big girl, and less of a baby!

See what I mean?

And this boy, too. He was content to run and play with his sister, which made this mama so happy.

I can't remember why I took this picture, but I promise you that these two were scheming and plotting something.

Lily showed off her balancing skills by standing on this sloped piece of wood.

As soon as she moved on to something else, guess who was doing his best to do exactly what Lily had done? This little guy is doing everything he can to keep up with the big kids!

Chris, Caleb, and Daisy got home in time for pizza and movie night, but Chris ran back out to the store to get one more thing: 
Half a birthday cake. 
Because today was Daisy's half birthday.

We don't usually make a big deal about half-birthdays around here, but Daisy has been especially excited about hers, counting down the days for a week now. So to make it special, we got her half a cake.

Eli was fascinated.

And Daisy (who I just realized wore her "5" shirt, probably in honor of the big day!) was surprised and tickled. Sweet girl.

Happy half birthday, Daisy! Five and a half looks good on you!

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