November 5

Today I had three photo sessions, and Caleb and Daisy each had a soccer game. Luckily, it was lovely out. We managed to balance all of the business and enjoy ourselves in the process! 

While I had my first two photo sessions, Chris took all four kids to Caleb's last soccer game. I was disappointed that I couldn't be there with my big camera, but one of the coaches emailed out this team picture.

I left my sessions and headed straight to the game, where I picked up Daisy and took her to her practice while Chris took the other three home for lunch. This was one of my first times watching Daisy play, and it was so much fun!
Kindergarten girls learning to play soccer is adorable. All of their Youth Small t-shirts hang down over their shorts, and they are just too cute.

Daisy was really focused on her practicing, and I can tell she has learned so much this season!

Also, she was having so much fun.

Look at her go!

And then she was done!

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