June 9

Today, my baby is eleven months old.
That means one more month until he's a year old.
He's growing so fast!

This is my little man happily chewing on a blade of grass. (No, he's not a thumb-sucker. Thank you for asking.)

Why does he look so happy? Because he's slowly scooting closer and closer to the camera. He really thinks he'll be able to grab it when I'm not paying attention. Little does he know that mommies are always paying attention. Mommies and teachers. I am both.

A quick update:
He has lots of words now. Ball, bye, book, meow, woof, mama, dada, hi are a few favorites.

He still scoots. No crawling, no walking, no pulling up. But lots of scooting

His favorite food is clearly cheese, followed by yogurt. After that, he prefers to eat anything I'm eating.

We're still nursing. I wonder how and when that will stop. The logistics of weaning seem kind of overwhelming, so I think we'll just keep nursing until we have a good reason to stop. (Like puberty. Kidding. Kind of.)

He weighs just under 20 pounds (I'll find out specifically tomorrow.)

He goes to bed at 8 and sleeps until 6 am if we're lucky. Most days we get two 90-minute naps.

He loves to swim, play catch, and read books.

His favorite books right now are Blue Hat, Green Hat and Wiggle, March.

He is such a good baby!

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