June 30

What a beautiful day! I love days when we can just leave the windows open and enjoy the breeze all day long.

Caleb and I celebrated the weather with some quality patio time.

(Please note all of the tomato carnage in the background. Caleb really likes to bite the cherry tomatoes, then throw them around so the guts splat out everywhere. Then he demands a new tomato. Our patio is like a cherry tomato graveyard.)

How sweet is he? (Please disregard the food/dirt on his face. Thank you.)

He drove the lawn tractor back and forth until it tipped over.
Then he was sad.
Then I laughed at his sad face.

Later, Jenny came over and got to experience what I do every day:
Caleb demanding to read eight million books, onerightaftertheotheragainagainagainmoreplease!

Luckily, it's an auntie's job to lovingly oblige all of her nephew's whims, and Jenny takes her role quite seriously.

(At least, until he starts talking and walking and voicing opinions. Then, I fear, she will do nothing but bicker with him and wrestle with him. I hope I'm wrong!)

Now I'm going to sleep.

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