June 20

This, my friends, is all I need.
This is concrete proof that I have the world's best husband, and Caleb has the world's best Dad.

This was bedtime tonight.

Now, I realize this may just look like another "Caleb reading" photo, but it's not. It's so much more.

I was busy downstairs, cleaning up after dinner while Chris got Caleb ready for bed. It's our usual routine. But this time, Chris shouted down to me, "Carrie! I can't put Caleb in the bath. He won't stop reading!"

I ran up, camera in hand, and found it was true. Every time Chris put the books away, Caleb would sign "more" and pull another book off the bookshelf.

Be still my heart.

Why does this equal World's Best Dad?

Because as I scrolled through a year's worth of Caleb and Daddy photos this week, almost every other one was of Chris reading to Caleb.

I married him knowing he would be a good father, but I had no idea he'd be THIS good.

A proud new Daddy - July 2009

Caleb fit in the crook of his arm!

He always calls Caleb his little brownbear.

He's not ashamed to be a devoted Daddy.

Oh, how they laugh together!

He encourages Caleb's spirit of adventure.

What a great Daddy Chris is!

And a quick shout-out to the other Dads in our lives:

4 generations of first-born sons. What a powerful legacy! We love you, Grandad and Great-Grandad!

Grandpa, your playfulness means so much to us! Keep playing!

Great-Grandpa, thank you for being a man of character.

We love you, Dads!

1 comment:

  1. this is so touching Carrie! Chris is lucky to have you as well! What a great way to honor him on Father's Day! :)
