June 2

Caleb fell in love at the pool yesterday.

We were swimming around, happy as can be with our friends Sara and Cooper, when we happened upon an older boy with an inflatable beach ball.

For Caleb, it was love at first sight.

Immediately, he started saying, "Ba. Ba. Ba. Ba. Ba...." You get the drift. He wiggled and squirmed around in his float so that he could always see the ball. The ball's owner was kind enough to play near Caleb, and even offer to let Caleb touch it.

It was a sweet guesture, but we all know that when love is true, one touch is never enough.

 I am World's Best Mom.

 Now, I don't have a mug or anything to prove that, but this should be evidence enough:
Guess what was in Caleb's Easter basket back in April?
Guess what was waiting, unopened, in the garage?
Guess what we promptly got out and inflated yesterday afternoon?

Yup. World's Best Mom, right here.

We made it to the pool today, despite storms off and on all day. I popped Caleb in his stroller, handed him his (slightly deflated for better grippage) ball, and off we went.

This is how true his love is: it was a five-minute walk to the pool, and Caleb didn't drop that ball once. Not once. And the whole way, all I heard was "Ba. Ba. Ba. Ba. Bababababababaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Caleb would buy me a mug if he could.

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