June 29

I get the night off tonight - I'll be geeking it with some friends at a Twilight movie marathon until the wee hours of the morning - so I thought I'd do today's post a little bit early.

Caleb and I went to the library today. We try to go once a week, and each time he gets to pick five new books. We're getting to the point that he's already read all of the decent board books at the branch closest to us. Hopefully he'll be able to respectfully handle paper books soon, so Mommy doesn't get bored re-reading old books!

Caleb's favorite part of the library (aside from the beach balls hanging from the ceiling) is a miniature red leather armchair. He gets so excited when he sees it; he claps his hands until I put him in it.

Today I finally brought my camera into the library so you could see his pride and joy.

"See my cool chair?!?!"

He loves to flip through a good book in the chair. This one was a dinosaur book, but Caleb opened the book and immediately pointed out the "ball", which was really the sun.


  1. Both of the girls have their own armchairs at home and they LOVE them. They'll sit side-by-side in their chairs and read books for a long time... definitely a worthy investment.

  2. I love these photos! How funny that he recognizes and loves his library chair.

  3. Oh my goodness! This is sooooo adorable! He gets excited to sit in the chair!? It's just his size...how fun!
