June 16

Whoa, Nelly.
Somehow I ended up with quite a few adorable photos today. But I won't bore you with all of them; after all, this is ONE Caleb a Day, and you've been so gracious about allowing me to post 3 or 4 on a regular basis. I don't want to push it. So instead, just 3 today. If you're curious, you can check the Picasa site for others. If you don't know the Picasa site, then you don't need to see them. :)

So, Caleb still isn't crawling.
Not only is he not crawling, he's not pulling up, or cruising, or getting to sitting from his stomach, or any of the other things babies much younger than him should be able to do.

I'm starting to feel like a bad mom.

I've noticed, though, that he has started getting up on all fours (you know, the precursor to crawling that most babies do at 5 months? The thing that my 11-month-old still doesn't do?) when he's in bed with me in the morning.

So I've started giving him more mattress time to practice. Any old mattress will do, so now we have playtime in the crib when he wakes up from his nap.

This is what a freshly woken Caleb looks like through the bars of his crib:

This is what he looks like inside the crib:

This is what he looks like when he realizes I've placed my camera inside the crib and he thinks he's going to (finally!) be able to grab it and chew on it to his heart's content:

What a little stinker.

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