April 29

I'm a bit behind on my blogging, but I promise I've been taking pictures!

Today, we took a spontaneous trip to the Botanical Garden. Since I was by myself with the kiddos, I didn't feel like lugging my big camera around. Instead, I put Caleb's camera on a cord around his neck. We ended up with these pictures:
In the Chinese Garden, Daisy was fascinated by the bridge and pond. While we were walking, she tripped and scraped her knee. It was only her second real knee-scrape, so it was kind of a big deal for her. We washed it off, and she was fine, but for the rest of the day she told anyone who would listen, "I have owie. I hurt my knee."

This is Caleb's "Sassy Girl" pose.

He's imitating this sculpture at the Garden:
(not my picture; find it and more info here)
I used to call her "Muffin Top Girl", but now that Caleb has taken an interest in her, we call her Sassy Girl. Caleb's favorite thing is to pose like her.

It was really too cool out to actually play in the fountains, but Caleb and Daisy had a lot of fun getting their hands wet!

After naps, playtime!
Oh. My. Goodness.
Doesn't this girl just kill you?

Can you  believe she's almost two?

All three of them were wearing their pilot hats, but I could only get the boys to sit down for a picture. Still. Aren't my boys handsome?

This was as close as Daisy came to being still for a picture. In the last few weeks, she has started walking on her tip-toes, and she thinks it's the funniest thing ever.

Later, bubbles on the front porch.

When the boys started racing, Daisy stopped her bubble-blowing to watch.

But watching is never good enough, so she ran to Daddy, who is always willing to let her race with him.

And then, ice cream!
Well, not really. The kids think it's ice cream, but really it's fruit. Our neighbors have a Yonanas machine that they love, and when they found one at the local Goodwill for $4, they snatched it up. When they got it home, they started pondering who needed it, and they immediately thought of our kiddos. They were right! Caleb and Daisy love it, especially when we mix some chocolate chips in for good measure.

Also, have I mentioned Caleb's shirt? It was the one we found on clearance at Target a few weeks ago, and it has quickly become one of his favorites. The best part is that Caleb likes to pretend that if you kiss the tiger, it will bite you. Please keep this in mind, should you ever come across Caleb in the tiger shirt. You must play along, or he'll be quite disappointed.

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