April 14

Blue skies, sunshine, outdoor time... what a fun day!

Chris took the opportunity to mow our lawn for the first time this season, and Caleb was desperate to help out.
The hard hat was his own personal touch - safety first!

Daisy wanted to help, too, but we only have one child-sized lawn mower, so instead she peered over the deck railing, shouting, "Hi, boys!"

My boys, mowing the lawn together. I'm not sure which one enjoyed it more!

Daisy wore this dress for the first time when we went to church today. It was a garage sale find that I've been holding onto for a year now, and it makes my heart happy. Please note that she's also sporting the Iowa  Hawkeyes socks - gotta represent Grandma and Grandpa!

I'm pretty sure she's the sweetest thing ever.

Only a smile would have made this picture better! But this girl is focused on her bubbles!


  1. love love LOVE that dress!

  2. Love the dress too! Very cute. Oh, my, goodness- the mowing together?? That is just too precious!
