April 6

We had a last-minute dinner party tonight, with newfound family from out-of-town. Sadly, I'm not sure any of my pictures adequately convey what a fun, special night it was. And though my mom desperately wanted group photos, I couldn't bring myself to interrupt all of the spontaneous fun to make everyone sit still and smile. But I know there will be a next time!

Jenny and Mom had returned from a trip to Arizona the night before, and Jenny came bearing gifts for the kiddos. I'm pretty sure Daisy would have loved her just as much without the gifts, though!

The weather was so lovely that we were able to eat on the deck, where we had lots of food and wine and coffee and food!

While the grown-ups chatted, the kids ran like crazy people all over the yard.

Even Emily got in on the swinging!

Daisy took every opportunity she had to leap into Ryan's arms. He is so good with her! 

After playing catch with the football for a while, Chris brought the kickball out. Chris and Billy and Ryan and Naomi and Isaac and sometimes Caleb played until well after dark!

Lots of wine-drinking = highly entertaining stories.

Daisy was skeptical at first, but soon she and Sydney were best friends!

And Mom was happy, happy, happy.

Daisy was pretty happy, too!

Chris and I snuck Caleb and Daisy off to bed, and we all lingered around the fire pit, talking and laughing. It was a pretty special night!

1 comment:

  1. Wish we had gotten a chance for group photos. I thought it would be awkward, but I can't remember the last time I had so much fun! I'm sure the wine helped, though
