February 7

I just found these on my camera, and thought I'd blog them.
Chris knows me so well, and today he knew that I needed to be home and Eli needed a nap. He took the three big kids to church, and left me at home to put Eli down for his morning nap. Once Eli was down, I got some time to rest and recoup; I am definitely an introvert, and the one thing I am noticing with homeschooling Caleb is that I crave alone time now! Plus, Eli has not been sleeping well for the past few week or two, so I am grouchy and need sleep. His first tooth came in yesterday, and I am hopeful that #2 will arrive soon, so that he (and I!) can finally start sleeping again.

Eli woke up from his nap before Chris and the big kids returned, so we got to have some one-on-one quality time together. That is rare, and I appreciated it.

This is Eli's mischievous face. He was crawling across the room to "get" me, and he thought he was being pretty funny. Also, you can see a hint of white on his gumline where his tooth finally broke through!

Silly boy.

Empty oatmeal carton = baby drum. Eli is already an excellent drummer. Also, see that star in his hand? It is part of a stacking toy, and today he figured out how to place it on the center pole. The kid is clearly a prodigy.

Everyone came home from church, we had lunch, and then Chris put the girls down for their naps. Eli wasn't ready for his nap yet, so I took him with me on a 3-mile walk. I am back on the dairy-free, gluten-free, small-portions, exercise-as-much-as-I-can bandwagon, so I have been trying to do something every day.  
It was windy and chilly, but Eli enjoyed our walk. He was especially happy when I stopped to take a selfie. I love the way he's looking at me!

Sweet baby.

Later, Eli watched birds on our (awful, mustard-colored, needs-to-be-replaced) kitchen counter while I prepped Super Bowl food.

"Burh. Burh. BURH!"

Also, don't those pants look hilarious? In real life they don't look quite that silly, but in this photo they definitely remind me of our 1990s-era JNCO jeans. Ha!

1 comment:

  1. Lol Jincos...
    Eli is SO cute!! I often wonder about that; introverted parents and how they feel with constant people around...
