February 19

We really were going to get back to school and life as usual today, but then Amber messaged me about a playdate, and the temperature was in the 70s, and I just couldn't say no. So I decided that today would be a well-earned transition day, and we would start school back up on Monday. I have decided that we just had our Spring Break in February, and when the local schools have their Spring Break, we will continue learning. That's fair, right?

I spent the morning uninstalling car seats, vacuuming the van and seats, and re-installing the car seats. Lily is back to her old spot, rear-facing next to Eli. It's for the best; it is safer for her, and I discovered on the trip that it is much better for the big kids to be as far apart from each other as possible, or they start kicking and fighting.

Once the seats were in, we headed to the park. I was happy to see Liz and her boys there (Hi, Liz!) and I settled in to talk with Amber and Jen while our children ran around like crazy people.

Since our last visit, they had installed a new swing on the playground, and Daisy was keen to check it out.

Eli is always up for swinging, so he was happy to join in the fun.

Daisy loved it, but was frustrated that it was so much work for her to swing high. In the end, I helped her with some pushes.

Meanwhile, Caleb climbed this giant rock. He was so proud of himself, but was equally terrified about getting back down. He asked me to take this picture and send it to Daddy. Funny boy. Then he wanted me to help him down, but I refused. Eventually, he figured things out and made it down safely. Way to go, Caleb!

We ate lunch at the park, then headed home for naps. Eli woke up first, and this precious moment happened:

This video is probably too long, but I just couldn't stop filming. So it goes. Feel free to stop it when you get the idea; nothing else exciting happens.

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